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bicycle brake artinya

contoh kalimat "bicycle brake"
  • Bicycle Brake Wire KYNAR Heat Shrink sleeving
    Kawat Rem Sepeda KYNAR Heat Shrink sleeving
  • EBC FA388 Bicycle Brake Pad For Honda China Manufacturer
    Cina EBC FA388 Sepeda Brake Pad Untuk Honda Produsen
  • Compact Size Bicycle Brake Light Red LED Beads Rainproof Cycling Accessories
    Ukuran kompak lampu rem sepeda merah LED manik-manik yg tahan hujan Bersepeda aksesoris
  • China Manufacturer of Plastic Bicycle Brake Lever, Aluminium Alloy Mountain Bike Brake Lever
    Cina produsen plastik Sepeda rem tuas, Aluminium Alloy Mountain Bike rem tuas
  • Kynar High Temperature Heat Shrink Tubing Bicycle Brake Wire Kynar PVDF Heat Shrink Tubing Transparent PVDF Kynar Medical Grade Heat Shrink Tubing
    Kynar Suhu Tinggi Heat Shrink Tubing Transparan PVDF Kynar Medical Grade Heat Shrink Tubing Rem Sepeda Kawat Kynar PVDF Heat Shrink Tubing
  • 250W brushless toothed motor Electric Bicycle motor directly drive the wheel, the link less noise. The advantage of Portable lithium electric bicycle is that it makes it easier for women to move. Disc brakes Electric bicycle brake safety external structure, good heat dissipation, less thermal decline, easy to control.
    Sepeda motor listrik motor berkedip 250W tanpa motor langsung menggerakkan roda, linknya kurang noise. Keuntungan dari sepeda listrik lithium meja Por adalah memudahkan wanita bergerak. Rem cakram Rem elektrik rem keselamatan struktur luar, disipasi panas yang baik, penurunan termal yang kurang, mudah dikendalikan.